Domino’s Pizza Chooser

This is a small script which was created about a year ago after a trip to Dominos where a few of my friends (Maths Degree Students) and I noticed Dominos claim on the number of combinations possible with their pizza toppings, naturally we all wanted to prove/disprove the figure… and along the way the Domino’s Pizza Chooser was born. Put simply it generates a random pizza combination using both Size, Base, Sauce and Toppings. Give it a whirl!

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Tools: Pingdom Probe IPs

Pingdom helpfully offer a RSS feed of their monitoring nodes ( unfortunately, it’s messy, poorly constructed and not simple to extract a nice list of IPs out of so you can add them to your firewalls.

I created a simple script which extracts the IPs from this XML feed and present a list of IPs in both plain-text and HTML.

The output can easily be copied into the allow list in your firewall configuration and the list is updated real-time from Pingdom themselves!

Plain Text:


HTML Output (in iframe):

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See all the tools I’ve created.